A series of three K-State Corn Production Management Schools will be offered in early January of 2018 to provide in-depth training targeted for corn producers.
Topics are focused on agronomic practices and research updates. Each school's sessions are designed to fit the farmers in the region. Topics include: Weed Control, Production & Nutrient Mgmt., Insect & Disease Updates, Planter Technology Update, Corn Marketing and Price Update, and Usable Corn Condition Progress Tools.
Jan. 8 - Hesston - AGCO Building, 420 W. Lincoln Blvd
Jan. 9 - Garden City - Clarion Inn, 1911 E. Kansas Ave
Jan. 11 - Leavenworth - The Barn, 17624 Santa Fe Trail
Schools are free to attend thanks to the generous support of DuPont Pioneer and Kansas Corn. Lunch is included, so please pre-register online at: KScorn.com/cornschool
For more information call your local Extension agent, or contact Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production & Cropping Systems Specialist, ciampitti@ksu.edu.
A series of three K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in late January 2018 to provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key stakeholders. The schools will be held at three locations around the state.
The one day schools will cover a number of issues facing soybean growers including: weed control strategies, production practices, nutrient fertility, and insect and disease management.
Jan. 22nd - Phillipsburg, KS, Phillips County Fair Building, 1481 US-183 Cody Miller, Phillips-Rooks District, codym@ksu.edu, 785-543-6845
Jan. 23rd - Salina, KS, Webster Conference Center, 2601 North Ohio Tom Maxwell, Central Kansas District, tmaxwell@ksu.edu, 785-309-5850
Jan. 24th - Rossville, KS, Citizen Potawatomi Nation Center, 806 Nishnabe Trail Leroy Russell, Shawnee Co., jrussell@ksu.edu, 785-232-0062
Lunch will be provided courtesy of Kansas Soybean Commission (main sponsor of the schools). The schools will also be supported by Channel Seeds.There is no cost to attend, but participants are asked to pre-register by Jan. 17th. Online registration is available at: K-State Soybean Schools
You can also preregister by emailing or calling the local K-State Research and Extension office for the location you plan to attend.
A series of three K-State Sorghum Production Schools will be offered in early February 2018 to provide in-depth training targeted for sorghum producers and key stake-holders. The schools will be held at three locations around the state.
The one-day schools will cover a number of issues facing sorghum growers: weed control strategies; production practices; nutrient fertility; and insect and disease management.
February 6th - Dodge City, Boot Hill Casino Conference Ctr, 4100 W Comanche St Andrea Burns, Ford Co., aburns@ksu.edu, 620-227-4542
February 7th - Hutchinson - Hutchinson Community College, 1300 N Plum St Darren Busick, Reno Co., darrenbusick@ksu.edu, 620-662-2371
February 8th - Washington - FNB Washington, 101 C Street, Box 215 Tyler Husa, River Valley District, thusa@ksu.edu, 785-243-8185
Lunch will be provided courtesy of Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission. There is no cost to attend, but participants are asked to pre-register by Jan. 31st. Online registration is available at: http://bit.ly/kssorghumschools
You can also pre-register by emailing or calling the nearest local Research and Extension office for the location you plan to attend.
For more detailed information go to Extension Agronomy eUpdate.
Zach Simon Sedgwick County Extension Natural Resource and Agricultural Agent 316-660-0153